<b> Bold Text </b>
This is an example of BOLD text tag using the <b> and </b> tag.
Use the <b> before the text wanted to be bolded and </b> after to end bold.
This is the code:
<b> BOLD </b>
<button> Button </button>
This defines a button .
Use the <button> and </button> tag with the text you desire to be said on the button between the tags.
In the tag you define the type as well with type = "".
This can be button,reset,submit.
This is the code:
This defines a button <button type="button"> Click Me </button>.
I found this tag at geeksforgeeks.org <search> Search </search>
This is an example of a search
For this you use the <search> and </search> with the embedded <form> and </form> tag with the <input> and </input> tag.
In the input tag you will name,id, and put a placeholder it in using = "".
This is the code:
<input name="fsrch" id = "fsrch" placeholder="Search Stuff" >