Chapter 5
I did not know that the program developers used to build apps was called application programming interface. It is interesting to learn about what goes into creating apps. Like how it wasn’t a collaboration between the third party and the creators. It seems to be a weird thing to not allow another user to create. It is not surprising to see that amazon and eBay were the ones to break this. Amazon is a big leader and owner on how most people use services with AWS and all that. I do not see how this doesn’t help the company in the end anyways.
IRC is an interesting topic as well. To see the fast growth of IRC is incredible. It clearly was a much needed and useful thing and still is. Without it we probably wouldn’t be talking and communication the way that we do now. Who knows what kind of weird messaging skeleton we would be using now. The evolution of it has changed the world for everyone. I use it every day and I can’t see myself not having access to it. If the world lost the ability to send instant messages, we all would be in a world of hurting and collapse.
VOIP is a no question necessary program. Everyone everyday uses some form of this. Calling on the phone, talking over the internet or announcements in high schools. If there wasn’t VoIP, we would still be sending emails, messages, and mail. It allows me to quickly contact a person and receive an instant answer. I used VoIP my entire childhood and even now. If there wasn’t VoIP Video games would be less interesting due to lack of communication to others.